Homelab 3 - ArgoCD


So, with cdk8s I have an execellent way to author my Kubernetes manifests. How do I deploy them?


The workflow is actually quite simple. I store my Kubernetes manifests in a GitHub repo and I point ArgoCD to it.

How do I configure ArgoCD? With cdk8s, of course:

import { import ChartChart } from "https://esm.sh/[email protected]";
import { import ApplicationApplication } from "../../imports/argoproj.io.ts";

export function function createLamportApp(chart: Chart): anycreateLamportApp(chart: Chartchart: import ChartChart) {
  return new import ApplicationApplication(chart: Chartchart, "lamport-app", {
metadata: {
    name: string;
: {
name: stringname: "lamport", },
spec: {
    project: string;
    source: {
        repoUrl: string;
        path: string;
        targetRevision: string;
    destination: {
        server: string;
        namespace: string;
    syncPolicy: {
        automated: {};
        syncOptions: string[];
: {
project: stringproject: "default",
source: {
    repoUrl: string;
    path: string;
    targetRevision: string;
: {
repoUrl: stringrepoUrl: "https://github.com/shepherdjerred/homelab", path: stringpath: "cdk8s/dist/", targetRevision: stringtargetRevision: "main", },
destination: {
    server: string;
    namespace: string;
: {
server: stringserver: "https://kubernetes.default.svc", namespace: stringnamespace: "lamport", },
syncPolicy: {
    automated: {};
    syncOptions: string[];
: {
automated: {}automated: {}, syncOptions: string[]syncOptions: ["CreateNamespace=true"], }, }, }); }

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